
17522 requests found

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- How many Twitter accounts does TfL manage? - How many staff are responsible for managing TfL’s Twitter accounts

F/on from FOI-1824 Many thanks for your reply dated 8th January. However this raises a number of other further questions. 1. I note the comments and opinions in your third paragraph but frankly...

Could you please tell me how many staff at TfL have one or more of the words equality, diversity, fairness, inclusion, gender, LGBT or race in their job title? Could you please give me a list...

To whom it may concern, I am writing in regards to a piece of research I am involved which looks into clustering stations in specific categories. Could you please let me know which main types/categories...

Revised request following on from FOI-1850-2021: Can I ask the same question please, but can I have it apply to only 2016, (instead of each year from 2016-2020 inclusive) please? Would this...

Since the beginning of the pandemic, how many passengers have complained to TFL of catching Covid-19 from TFL licenced PH vehicles, where there is no social distancing or physical barrier between...

Dear Transport For London, I request all available information regarding the LEZ Zone and public information. 1. All awareness campaigns publicly released from 2012 to date, including dates,...

In order to place our request in context, we refer to press articles published in The Times on 17 September 2020 and in The Guardian on 16 September 2020 reporting that the overall cost of the...

Please provide the following information regarding changes to the 384 bus route: a) All minutes of meetings held or attended by TfL discussing the 384 bus routing from 2016 until present. This...

I live just outside the the North and South Circular roads and know they are extensive and and involve a large number of access points into the new ULEZ. I would like to make a freedom of information...