
17523 requests found

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Could you kindly provide, annual entry and exit statistics for London underground for the years 2005 and 2008. If possible, I only require information on three stations being; Highbury and Islington,...

Why can cars weighing over 2t drive through but not a pick-up truck weighing a similar amount? There are numerous heavy cars such as BMW X5 or several similar small SUVs and even saloon care...

Comments: I am an MSc Regional and Urban planning Studies candidate at xxx. My dissertation will be focusing on grey and green infrastructure in relation to accessibility. I am hoping you can...

To whom it may concern, Could you please provide me with information on the status of any plans TfL has to re-develop the Parsons Green Depot? My husband and I are seriously considering purchasing...

Could you please publish the full list of postcodes to be included in the Ulez zone from October 2021

F/on from FOI-0102 Thank you for your reply However, I did not get all the information I required and need to clarify my request. On tickets from passenger machines at stations, the code is...

I have provided information to TfL regarding serious ethical wall violations by Installation Technology and BAI. This is in relation to the Transport for London Telecommunications Commercialisation...

Following the reply to my email in January regarding the state of the A406 circular which is the responsibility of TFL still no cleaning has occurred. However, in the last few days the verges...

I am looking for information concerning roadworks undertaken by Thames Water in the Stoke Newington area. Firstly in relation to the burst mains which began in December 2016 which I understand...

On your TfL YouTube channel there was a video about good cycling tips for safer cycling in London. Sadly, the title of this video has escaped by mind, but I do remember the first few 'slides'...