
17523 requests found

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In the TEC second despatch TEC minutes June 13 2019, (Second Dispatch TEC Papers 13 June 2019.pdf) when discussing DVS, it is said: "Identified potential objections 19. Four representations which...

In response to Question 2021/1954 (, the Mayor of London only provided Keith Prince AM with a scan of the dated cover sheet and the execution...

Could you please tell me how much Hikvision equipment was purchased by TfL in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 to date? This includes the type of equipment, the date and expenditure. Furthermore,...

1) How many motorists with a London Road User Charging Account where issued a PCN in 2020? 2) How much money was collected from PCN's from motorists with a London Road User Charging Account in...

Have you asked for or did you receive any compensation from the third party that failed to carry out the correct information notice as per their contract?

I am writing to you to request some information about your IT infrastructure. I politely request information for the following: 1) Laptop/desktop provider 2) Number of devices (Laptops, desktops,...

When was the Pentonville Road exit at Kings Cross St Pancras from the Victoria Line last open? Also, is there any plan for it to reopen soon?

1. Details of any incidents, including the number of said incidents, in the 12 months preceding 1st June 2021 whereby demands for payment by TfL have erroneously been made in relation to ULEZ...

I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act. This request concerns formal and informal interactions between Transport for London (TfL) and Apartments for London (AfL)...

Please release the last Job Specification information published, for prospective candidates searching & applying for the position of Knowledge of London Examiner (including any attached documents...