
17523 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Following up FOI Request ID: FOI-0591-2122, 1) I would be grateful for an actual count of the total number of defibrillator thefts from TfL locations, please. 2) the number recovered 3)...

10.8.21 clarification: In regards to my existing requirement, I'd like to clarify that the information I need is the Oyster fare of London underground and overground from zone to zone. For example,...

Hi, I am currently working on a research project on the effectiveness of the Ultra Low Emission Zone with my research question being: To what extent has the Ultra Low Emission zone been successful...

Hi If possible I was hoping that you could provide me with pdf copies of East London Line Working Timetables 7 and 8. Your help is very much appreciated.

1. How many freight trains have passed along the section of track from Hampstead Heath station to Gospel Oak Station each month of 2020 and 2021?

I would like to request a tfl bus controller package for a training, I would like to receiving via my email

Road Accidents at the junction of Wickham road, Bridle road and Monks Orchard road Croydon

Global, Transport for London's advertising partner, has published Copy Approval Guidelines on its website for advertisements on the TfL estate: The...

I would like to know whether the speed camera on SELSDON PARK ROAD BY PIXTON WAY is faulty? If yes, from when?

Could you please provide me with the following GIS Data requests : - GIS Data of TfL’s lines of route of its railway network i.e lines of route of London Underground, London Overground, TfL...