
17523 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Dear Transport for London Freedom of Information team I have questions about the current situation with the New Routemasters (NRM). 1. Can you confirm NRMs have recently been withdrawn from...

Dear FOI officer I would like to request information relating to what are increasingly referred to as ‘colourful crossings’. These are where traditional road crossings are painted with art or...

1) In the tax year April 06 2020 to April 05 2021 what was the greatest total benefit package received by a single Tube train driver? By 'total benefit package' I seek to discover the total...

Earlier this year, your highways team completed extensive road widening works on Kew Bridge, Richmond. Please can you provide the following information. 1) An explanation of the reasons why the...

Could you please send me a copy of all communications roles vacancies advertised internally for TfL or any of it's subsidiaries within the last 6 months. Please also include data about pay...

Questions about Congestion Charge payments.

Hi, Could you provide me with a link to the current auuio announcements which are available please. (Ie ibus etc). Thanks

Please could you confirm the rules for distribution leaflets on TFL buses. For example; if someone wanted to distribute religious leaflets on the buses to your passengers. Would this be allowed?

I am requesting the soundtrack of the AVAS ( Acoustic Vehicle Alert System ) currently used on " quiet " busses across London introduced on new quite busses from 2019

Hi, I wondered if you’d be able to help. I am looking for a figure in terms of TFL cctv systems in use. Then broken down into cctv, anpr, body warn cameras and anything else within this camera/surveillance...