
17523 requests found

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To Whom It May Concern, How long did the recent construction/refurbishment of the different stations take related to step-free access and other upgrades take? The stations I am interested in...

I’m writing to make a request under Freedom of Information rules. I would like some detail on spending by boroughs under the Emergency Active Travel Fund and the outcome of the schemes deployed....

In accordance with the FOI Act please provide a list of the last 10 projects completed with a value of more than £50M? For each project, please provide the following information: • How many...

Can I have a copy of the traffic management order regarding the bus gate restrictions for the above

As a FOI request we request a copy of the locus plan of the road and the traffic light sequencing report for the traffic lights concerned. Please could we have a copy of the same. New Cross...

On this page: on your website TfL have published the caps for National Rail stations. However the caps for the Henley, Marlow and Windsor...

Dear TFL, around two years ago, you published a consultation on changes to several bus routes in Sutton & Croydon. You submitted a response around a year ago, but since then us residents have...

I would like to know what's the average train speed on the following lines. 1. Jubilee line 2. Victoria line 3. Central line 4. Bakerloo line 5. Northern line 6. Metropolitan line 7. Piccadilly...

The use of older, polluting vehicles in Stoke Newington and Stamford Hill is prolific. There has been no change in vehicle type or frequency of use since the expansion of the ULEZ zone. Please...

F/O from 2884-2122 Dear FOI, As per your recent response I would like to narrow the scope of the request to: “ I would also like to know how many, (if any), persons under this recruitment campaign...