
17523 requests found

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I wish to recieve a file containing all annoucements available for the Victoria line.

I am writing to request a CD containing the following announcements: • Bakerloo Line • Jubilee Line • Northern Line • Piccadilly Line • Central Line • Victoria Line • District Line •...

I am doing a research project investigating call-off contracts in the public sector. I have identified some potential call-off contracts awarded by Transport for London, but I can't find details...

Dear Transport for London, You are currently consulting to amend amongst other routes, the 279 and 259 and plan to abolish the 349. Also, plans to curtail the 476. Please provide the most recent...

Please can you supply me with copies (in Excel .xlsx format) of traffic count data (manual or ATC) for South Lambeth Road (A203), specifically for the stretch from Vauxhall gyratory to the junction...

The Elizabeth line currently runs a service of 4 trains per hour to West Ealing in each direction. In particular, i note that the trains that go from Paddington to Reading and vice versa do not...

Hello FOI team The multi-modal transport map from mid-2006 (linked below) is very much outdated and I believe you may hold the latest copy or something equivalent of this type of map? Can...

Hello there, I am gathering some information and wondered if you could help me. I am seeking the details (make, model and the vehicles registration number plate) of all vehicles that currently...

After having talked to someone on the phone from tfl I was told to send an email to this address and with the freedom of information ask if i could know the amount of different vehicles that...

Dear all, If possible, I would like to submit an FOI request with regards to the questions below. For the financial years 2018/19 and 2021/22: What was TfL’s total revenue from all sources? What...