
17523 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

To whom it may concern, I am requesting a list of all the approved lighting suppliers and their relevant products for the London underground and their stations.

The links take me to data where the info is drawn for the period 01/01/2019 to 30/11/2023 and does not appear to cover the 10 year period from which Kay Mills statement is drawn (1/01/2014 to...

Please provide me with number of late running notification recieved from bus drivers on route 366 by the text message button to TfL. Please provide the list from last 6 months to date and list...

Dear Transport for London Can you publish the number of complaints and issues raised about your Superloop route SL3, please?

Hello, I know tfl can provide skilled worker visa sponsorship (tier-2) to eligible employees subject to government's latest rule and approval. Does it mean that tfl can do same for employees...

Dear TfL, I have noticed that there is no operating bus route using West Carriage Drive (Hyde Park). So I would like to ask whether there is any special reason not allowing buses to use W...

Dear TfL I'm requesting information on data regarding bus trips to and from tube stations on certain sections of the London Underground lines. From current understandings, current data is already...

I am writing under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request detailed information regarding penalties issued for traffic violations by employees driving vehicles operated by or for Transport...

Follow-on from from FOI-4428-2324 asking for information about the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ). The data you sent me shows ULEZ daily charges for Jan 2023 as £6.6m (nearly 3m less than in...

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, please may I have the following: - The number of vehicles registered as food sellers (ie Ice cream vans) which have been handed a ULEZ fine -...