
17523 requests found

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Good afternoon, I've been trying to get information on your roadmap for the ulez. My current vehicle does not meet the requirements so I need to get a new car, this will cost me alot of money...

Are you able to explain the rationale for excluding disabled persons under 65, holding a blue badge and paying reduced vehicle tax on account of their disability but not driving a permanent modified...

During the last Mayor for London campaign the Labour Party Candidate plegded that "Mr Khan said that he will launch a programme giving each of the individual lines an “identity” in his manifesto." Can...

Dear Transport for London, I would like to request a copy of Ticketing & Revenue Update 142.

Burdett Road In relation to the time period 27 July 2013 to 27 July 2016, please confirm: - What inspection regime was in place for the road (frequency and nature of the inspections, records...

Dear Transport for London Private Hire license, My names is XXX and I am a constituent of Leyton. I am writing to you today because I am concerned about TFL. I made an application to become...

Dear Sir/Madam I have a Freedom of Information Request regarding a company called Hubbell who on their website state that their “Hawke Connectors” have been “designed by experts from Transport...

1-I would like to know the number of staff working on phone taking request from Taxi/Private Hire drivers to apply phv vehicle inspection. 2- I would like to know the number of staff working...

With the Ulez targeting pollution only from vehicle exhausts, can you provide a breakdown of PM2.5 pollution by source, as a percentage of total pollution. Can you provide a summary of how much...

ULEZ expansion consultation I could not see on your web page what respondents actually said in response to the survey. Under the FOIA, please can you send me the actual findings and responses...