
17523 requests found

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I would like figures on how much TFL is set to save per annum by scrapping routes 332, 455, 507 and 521.

‘This page on the Mayor of London - London Assembly site shows "Monetary Value of ULEZ Penalty Charge Notices":

There is a sign near to the junction between Ailsa Road and the A316 in St Margarets (what3words approx: herds.sheep.flood) that says '1359m' and another one near. to the junction with St Georges...

Hello, please could you tell me why the Alfreds way flyover along the A13 in Barking has had its speed limit reduced to 30 mph from 40mph, when it was already in an average speed zone of 40 mph,...

Loss of revenue on use of Freedom Pass 60+ pre 9am In June 2020 the Mayor of London imposed a temporary ban on the use of Freedom Pass 60+ for capacity reasons. Last week he announced that this...

Follow-up to FOI-2537-2223: Many thanks for this, it provides answers to all my exempted requests so far. In addition to those figures, how much is TFL set to save annually from scrapping routes...

Could you please supply me with data relating to LU Train Operators in respect of the following: 1. How many hours release time was granted for train operators to undertake mutual changeover...

1. The cleaning plan/schedule for the ventilation system at Heathrow Terminals 123 and Terminal 4 2. How many times the system has been cleaned and the dates. 3. The air quality readings from...

Dear Sir/Madam, I appreciate that this is a small undertaking but I hope it is relatively simple and would be very grateful if you can help. Can you please provide the following information...

Please reply to my email concerning ANY road works during months of August and September.