
17521 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

I would like to request that since 2009 until now how many bus drivers have been physically assaulted by their passengers ( customers) while doing their duty, I also would like to know which...

Hello, Please could you tell me how many Twitter users have been blocked by TfL's twitter account?

Can you confirm whether the 'slow march' demonstrations which have been carried out by the climate campaign group 'Just Stop Oil' since the 24 of April 2023, have at any time caused 'serious'...

Please provide the following statistics for your main @TfL twitter account i) How many users are currently blocked ii) How many users were blocked in the past year (or appropriate time period) iii)...

Hi, I'm writing to inquire how many times the Walbrook St entrance at Bank Station has been closed in the past year due to staffing shortages. It would suffice if you could give me the...

Have many black cab drivers have had their licenses revoked between 2022/2023

In appraisal and evaluation of its cycle training funding in general and Bikeability funding in particular, what are TfL's assumptions about the following factors? 1. External, non-TfL funding...

Dear Sirs I act on behalf of Openreach Limited in regards to damage caused to the BT network. Could you please provide me with a copy of any Opening notices (streetworks notices) you have received...

Hello, Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 I would like to request the following information: - Electronic copies of the relevant training material used for dispatchers on the London...

I’m contacting to you to ask for the names of companies TfL currently employs that provides professional note taking assistance during meetings at TfL please?