
17523 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Please provide a full copy of the Strategic Outline Case for the Thamesmead & Beckton Riverside Public Transport Programme, including optioneering assessments for the longlist and shortlist....

Thank you for your recent email. Having viewed the links within the webpage that you referred to, the statistical documentation is fairly nonsensical, especially when the associated keys are...

Your website says this charge applies to non-ULEZ compliant vehicles. However your entire process and ethos is also based on charging people who may have a compliant vehicle but are not aware....

I wish to understand the expected average impact of the expanded ULEZ on air pollution along every road link directly managed by TfL in outer London in each of two periods: (1) 1 September and...

Hello, is it possible to share the amount of energy (kWh) that is consumed directly by the public transports per mode. For example how much energy is consumed for the traction of the London underground?

Dear Transport for London, Over the past year I've noticed an increasing number of advertisements for the 61016 service which have changed the wording "if you see something that doesn't look...

Please can you send me construction drawings and detail drawings of the pandemic pavement widening measures installed on Bishopsgate (A10) adjacent to the pedestrian crossing located about 20m...

Could you please provide an estimated cost of damages caused by the recent fire incident at Clapham North station. If possible, could this be itemised (damages to train, delay compensation paid...

Hello TFL In response to my previous Freedom of Information requests (TfL Ref: 3361-2223 and FOI-2898-2223), you said, "We can advise that version 2.4 of the New London Bus Vehicle Specifications...

Regarding travel to C40 meetings by the Mayor of London and his advisers: Who pays for them? Does they fly to meetings? Does they travel 1st Class? Who travels with the Mayor of London? How...