
17523 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Would you please provide the numbers by month/year/contravention of PCNs issued by CCTV at the junction of Kew Bridge Road/Kew Rd/Chiswick High Road for the last 3 years. For clarity PCN number...

Please can you provide me with details of the number days on which Chancery Lane Underground has failed to open at its stated opening time over the last five years. Please limit the data to Monday-Fridays...

Please provide me with a copy of the report by the society of motor manufacturers (report ) which was commissioned by TfL in light of the planned ULez expansion

The bus stopped at the bus stop, let people off but then would not let anyone board as they said they were too busy to do so (yet people had alighted) The next bus stop with alternate routes...

escalator at Hyde Park Corner Could you please assist with the following points. 1. Do I have any recourse against TFL ? 2. Can I have a copy of the report of the incident. (My full details...

While we are aware of the name of the preferred bidder for EVID Tranche 1 Batch 1, is it possible for TfL to disclose the names of others providers who submitted bids for Batch 1?

Hey there, Sine 2018, Network Rail has undertaken a programme called 'Access for All' whereby it has been making a lot of stations throughout our 🇬🇧 country step-free by installing elevators...

Hi, I made a request approx one week ago in relation to Red Routes in London. There is an interactive map on the website, but I asked if there was a spreadsheet with all the postcodes that Red...

Can you please send me the pdf file for the following: 1. August 2022 Quad Royal Poster Map that was displayed at stations.

Hi I’ve seen this request Ref: FOI-1890-2122 and would like to ask another question. Do you have any CSAs working on a 4 hour shifts but let’s say 3 days a week rather than 5. And if so, what...