
17523 requests found

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Please can I request information on - 1) Procedures currently in place on the underground network to deal with incidents of serious injury to passengers, particularly those involving heavy blood...

1. Who do you contract with in relation to your bus shelter infrastructure and the associated advertising? Please list all contracted providers. 2. How many bus shelters do the contracts cover? 3....

In FOI-0098-2324 TFL stated “E-scooters are classed as a powered vehicle (technically a Personal Light Electric Vehicle), and therefore unlike the E-bike/powered wheelchair/mobility scooter,...

Please could you send me the following documents in the case of London Borough of Hillingdon and others v The Mayor of London and Transport for London - the ULEZ case? (1) the Claimants case...

I'm curious about the design strategy of signage across London Underground, especially the old dot-matrix signs. The old version of this document: I...

Can you please provide me with TfL's public sector equality duty relating to disabled taxi drivers when you changed the policy to only allow ZEC taxis to be licensed FROM NEW.

I would like to make a freedom of information request regarding how money you currently have that you shouldn't because of this type of issue.

Dear London River Services Limited, How frequently are your piers surveyed for their integrity and safety with regard the vessels that use them. What is the design capability of Tower Millennium...

Hi, I am a student at the University of the West of England conducting research into the potential impact on c02 emissions should an underground railway be introduced in Bristol. Would you be...

Dear Transport for London FOI team This is a follow up to my previous freedom of information request. I...