
17523 requests found

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You will be well aware of the chaos caused to the roadworks on the A316 at Manor Road and the severe disruption this is causing to the lives of residents. I note that a material component of...

Hello, Could I please request a copy of the new traffic management order for the A20 Sidcup by pass 40mph stretch. This is coast bound. The current traffic management order which was...

Under the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 the Secretary of State for Transport, in exercising of his powers under Sections 64 and 65 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, and all other powers...

Please send me full details regarding complaints and incidents related to the 366 bus route towards Redbridge / Beckton Station over the past 5 years. I wish to know: • The number and type of...

You have missed to point of my request, I require the laid down and published process for dealing with these cases, NOT what the Customer Services Team says as there is NO published information...

Good afternoon, Hope you're well. I am writing in regarding the noise on the eastbound Central line between Holland Park and Notting Hill Gate. While I appreciate there is no legal limit...

The Equalities Impact Needs Assessment for the changes proposed for this scheme, as published by TfL on 23 September 2023 2. The impact of the previous changes to bus journey times, by route,...

According to FOI-0008-1718 and FOI-0280-1920 complaints recorded as relating to accessibility issues are categorized by the reason. Please can you provide: a)    For each service1, the number...

Please could you: 1) Provide the following information* for 2022, with a table for each TfL service1: a)    The number of journeys b)    An estimate of the number of journeys by persons with...

F/on from FOI-0920 Dear Transport for London, I am writing to request a copy of Transport for London's (TfL's) emergency procedures under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Specifically, I...