
17522 requests found

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Dear Transport for London, I am a regular user of Abbey Wood station and have seen users pushing through the exit/entrance barriers or tailgating paying customers on multiple occasions. Can...

Dear Transport for London, I was wondering if I could possibly get a printed copy of leaflets which had been produced for mobility bus routes 917, 931, 941, 952, 953, 958, 965, 969 & 972. The...

For 2018 (before Covid) and 2023 (or if not available 2022) please can you provide the following breakdown:- 1. The percentage of journeys made in London by each of the following modes:- i)...

Does the Greenwich Power Station have any Solar panels on it? If no, are there any plans to add any?

Hi again, I was wondering if you'd be able to give the latest figure to date for the number of PCNs issued by TfL to motorists who have blocked cycle lanes under new powers that entered into...

I will appreciate if you resolve the following questions for me. 1. As of today how many private hire drivers are in London? How many drivers have undertaken the SERU assessment, how many of...

Please provide the names of the organisations that were invited to tender for this project together with the report, normally called the Tender Assessment Report ("TAR"), that compares and contrasts...

Please provide all information regarding the takeover from Tubelines to TFL on the following please; 1. Structure and changes to the Tubelines Pension Scheme between 2010 and 2024 2. Funding...

FOI Request for TFL - Transport for London Dear Sirs, We formally request under the FOI 2000 regulations Act and EIR 2004 regulations Act data you hold, and which is already or will be in...

F/O from 0008-2425 Hi Sara, Thank you so much for this. Really helpful - very interesting to see the 82% target wasn't met apart in all bad one month since going low frequency. Glad to see...