
17523 requests found

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I am looking for data on night tube usage at Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus from wen the night tube started to present day. I need the passenger volumes from 11pm to 5am on Friday and...

How many people are currently on Apperance stage of the knowledge

Can I please request the following information about Automated External Defibrillator Units on the network: 1) The number of defibrillators that are on the network, 2) The number of defibrillators...

What is the current cost of staffing to enforce the one-bus-at-a-time rule over Hammersmith Bridge? Have estimates been sought to repair the bridge to make it fit for normal bus use (rather...

I would like all figures in respect of the number of immigrant PH/Uber drivers who have been granted a Private Hire Driver's license with the submission of a letter of good conduct as required...

Please could release any documents/reports/analyses/diagrams/images relating to lift mechanisms on passenger lifts on the London Underground? If this request is too broad or too costly to release,...

Dear Sir/Madam Could you give me some statistics about your 'Report It. Stop It' campaign. How many sexual offences have been reported in these time frames: 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017-...

Number of recorded HR incidents involving the following over the last three years 2017, 2016, 2015 broken down by year. HR incidents recorded around misuse of the following tools: • WhatsApp • Instagram • SnapChat • Facbeook • Twitter • Spotify For...

I have three questions regarding TfL bus operators and their contracts over the last ten years: 1. what % of routes have been successfully extended by the incumbent operator from the initial...

I would like to obtain information about the amount of penalty charge notices issued on Southwark Bridge Road during the period when Tower Bridge was closed for repair starting in October 2016...