
17523 requests found

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“The total number of i) antisemitic, ii) islamophobic and iii) homophobic incidents reported by members of staff in the workplace” & “a summary of the action taken to tackle these issues”.

Thankyou for your reply regarding Worldpay and Ron Kalifa as TFL board member. However, I find it strange that the vice chairman and executive director at Worldpay could have no bearing whatsoever...

Is it possible to get statistics on how many accidents have been on Santander Bikes caused by bags falling from the bag carrier and coking the front wheel?

As the engineer, I assume that you are concern with the contractor's programme of this works ? This programme of works appears to be a complete farce because the following. I was informed that...

During the Westminster Bridge terror attack on 22/3/2017 a double decker bus seems to have been involved in an accident where an individual appears to have been run over by it - as depicted by...

Could you please supply me with all emails between Uber UK, Uber BV or ANY branch of Uber PLC based In the UK or the Netherlands or San Francisco USA and TFL's John Mason (former head of TFLTPH)...

1) All recorded information held that relates to the proposed new licence application requirement for private hire drivers to be assessed on their knowledge of regulatory, safety and equality...

This request concerns oyster card use at Westbourne Park station during Notting Hill Carnival. 1. How many people were estimated to have travelled through Westbourne Park Station on the following...

Follow-on from FOI-2477-1617 1. You mentioned that, "Therefore the impact of the strikes listed below vary from affecting the whole tube network to localised action affecting only part of the...

1) How many fixed CCTV cameras are there across the London Underground network, including stations and depots? (Please could you provide me with any maps or diagrams that may be useful). 2)...