
17523 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

I would like copies of the designs that were not used for the csh along the embankment. (To be clear the stretch from Tower Hill to Westminster bridge) Also the costings of the all designs including...

I am still waiting for TFL to *write to* me stating the compensation it will receive for the 2nd quality wheels supplied for the Piccadilly line trains. Please see email fro full details. -...

How much money TfL have made from this payment system in the last 12 months? How many complaints TfL have had regarding fines relating to this payment system? What percentage of these fines have...

What herbicides/weedkillers are used on the northside embankment between Turnham Greens and Stamford Bridge Stations?

1) Please state the dates of employment of Khuram Shazad Butt with TfL 2) Please provide a copy of any employer's reference provided to TfL by any of Mr Butt's former employers in support...

Transport for London has spent/given £100,000 to support a study into the use of the Greenwich Foot Tunnel. I would like to request under the Freedom of Information Act: All correspondence...

TfL's notes of the meeting, available at , includes the following: "Information on lifts that aren’t...

Please see attached PDF file in the email

This 49-page Crossrail 2 business case has been shown to City AM. I am requesting a copy of this document or, alternatively, to know where this document is available to view.

However, what about the other bus improvements covered by the King's Cross Central i.e. in relation to bus routes 214, 394 and 390. Have you received funds via Camden Council from the developer...