
17522 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Please provide Cycling, Pollution and Road Safety reports produced since 2010 for Highgate N6. Please confirm what data is available for Cycling, Pollution and Road Safety for Highgate N6.

From 31 March 2009, to produce evidence of a parking contravention from closed circuit TV, cameras and associated recording equipment, the devices must be certified by the Secretary of State...

TfL is already engaging with an existing supplier who are working on a cost estimate is to my mind unlikely to be the case bearing in mind that TfL have not yet got approval to proceed with the...

I'd like to request a copy of the Class 345 Familiarisation Guide. Following on from an FOI request to Crossrail Ltd, and an email enquiry to MTR Crossrail, I have been advised to contact directly....

Please can you supply me annual revenue for PCN's from the yellow junction box on West Hill in Putney SW15

I am writing with an urgent requirement on the annual footfall of Notting hill Gate Station

Could you please provide me with full details of any CLOS/PERS and/or Healthy Streets assessment for the scheme currently being consulted at

Follow on from FOI-1157-1516 Accidents pre and post the new lights at Gloucester Place and Melcombe Street: Unless I am mistaken, the 36 month period comparison period should now be available....

Please can you confirm to me that TFL's Congestion Charge department is covered by The Road User Charging (Enforcement and Adjudication) (London) Regulations 2001? Can you therefore confirm...

Hello, I would like to know how many separate people or organisations have written to you to complain about the use of the phrase "ladies and gentlemen" on tube announcements, please. I would...