
17523 requests found

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Please could you release any papers/documents/maps relating to the current trial at Kings Cross tube station (I believe on the Victoria Line platforms) using coloured markings on the platforms...

Follow on from FOI-1452-1617 & linked to IRV-057-1718 Also, can you please provide me with updated data on how much the SMS service generated in a.) 2016 and b.) so far in 2017?

Comments: Hi, I would like to find out which yellow box cameras in London generate the highest amount of fines. Many thanks

Could you please supply me with a complete set of PDF versions of the Continuing Your Journey/Local Area Maps for Underground, Overground, and TfL Rail stations. These would be purely for my...

I would like to request the following. The number of drivers Tram Operations Limited has dismissed – or had other action taken against them during the last five years and the reasons why.

I see in the press it has been reported that the phrase 'ladies and gentlemen' will no longer be used on the London Underground. Mark Evers released a statement saying this followed that TFL...

Can you please provide me with all email correspondence under an FOIA between the following dates and involving the following TfL staff: 1st January 2017 - 11th July 2017 (a) Peter Blake and...

Please supply me with correspondence between Neil Billany Met police cab unit & Silk Kennedy-Todd Neil Billany Met police cab unit & Graham Robinson Between 01/01/17 - 11/07/17

Please send me the bus destination blind design guidance, which details the layout of bus blinds used on TfL services, including the font, layout of the ultimate destination and any clarifier...

Dear Sirs, Could you please provide me with a copy of any opening notices/street works notices you have received in respect of any utility at the above location from 4 January 2016 – 19 December...