
17523 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Please can you provide a breakdown report of all job titles within your current IM Infrastructure Services division. For each job title, please can you indicate the number of staff that hold...

Hello, Since in data-sets presented here there are no information about volume of passengers of the weekend,...

Under the general requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please provide the following information (listed below) in relation to Bakers Lane, London, and in particular the section...

a) All information held by TfL relating to the decision no longer to issue licences subject to the English language condition b) all information regarding the basis upon which that the decision...

Hello, how many of your vehicles have fire safety equipment? If there is equipment does it have to meet any regulations? Is the equipment automatic? Is there a regulation that you work to to...

I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please send me: Statistics showing how many reports...

Now that the General Election has taken place, this Association felt it important that we update our information pertaining to the taxi and private hire industry in respect of all licensing authorities...

The full results from the Change Experience Survey conducted by the TAM Transformation team to include the sections that have been redacted.

Please provide a copy of the current contract with NCP which allows for their issue of parking charge notices at London Underground car parks. Please also provide any guidance which NCP are...

I would like to request data on the number of complaints and if possible, the data of the complaints such as the actions TfL took to resolve the complaints for the following bus routes: 142,...