
17523 requests found

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I would like to see the record of what trains use the overground bridge at Kentish Town West Station between the hours of 23:00 - 05:00, specifically between dates: 1st February 2017 - 16th October...

How many taxi drivers licensed with Transport for London have an address in Brighton and Hove (or alternatively, with a BN1, BN2 or BN3 postcode) as of October 1, 2017. How many taxi drivers...

Following on from this previous request ( and from your response, Please can you now answer how many of those accepted onto...

Is there any chance of the class 345 pis codes please as I forgot to include this in the original request.

Follow-up to FOI-1029-1718: Are you able to send me the categories under the previous SAP CRM system please? And what date the system change to Microsoft Dynamics? And why? And when did...

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the number of district line trains that pass between Elm Park and Upminster in both directions have got significantly less during peak times and thus causing...

1. The number of cycle hires made since January 2014 to present, by month, by "casual" users (those who hire bicycles using a credit/debit card at the terminal). 2. The number of cycle hires...

1) Please can you tell me the number of Train Operators who have been sent to Company Disciplinary Interview(CDI) for passing a signal at danger(SPAD), Including all aspects such as failing...

Follow on from FOI-1602-1718. Following this response, I would like to widen my scope to both taxi and PHVs complaints. Therefore there is no need to distinguish between the two.

Could you give me the same figures in the same format for the previous weekend, so 6th,7th,8th,9th of April for the same stations please? Also, is there a way to to get the number of people...