
17523 requests found

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What were the total costs of employing temporary staff by Taxi and Private Hire Financial year 2015/2016?( Including Agency fees, Employers NIC and other related costs)

On the TFL website (please see link) Under the heading; Mayor...

I am contacting you to request a copy of the Transport for London documentation regarding the UBER investigation which concluded that their website was no more than a "Price Comparison Website"

Transport for London is conducting a survey amongst taxi (black cab) drivers who operate at Heathrow Airport. TfL is seeking drivers' views on the possibility of fixing and capping fares for...

I would like to request the following information regarding the Santander Cycles scheme since 2014: The daily hire raw data that includes starting time, starting station, ending time, ending...

I am requesting emails, letters containing the word “uber” sent and received by the former chief operating officer for surface transport Garrett Emerson. So as to save yours and my time, please...

I have studied the Consultation Report (and the Appendices thereto) on the Mayors Transport Strategy but it does not give the detail breakdown of responses to questions. For example: one of...

For financial year 2016/17 How many temporary staff were by employed Taxi and Private Hire?

Hi, I understand from Sadiq Khan that a business case for the re-opening of Camberwell station was due for publication last year. Could you please provide the publication? I have not been able...

1. Can you confirm when the final Business Case regarding the re-opening of Camberwell Station is likely to be completed? 2. Why there are still so many heavy diesel buses being operated in the...