
17522 requests found

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Thank you for the response. However, it does not include information I am after. As my original request said I am trying to find "the number of vehicles to be covered by the T-charge (and...

Could you please inform me of the volume of contravention code 31 tickets issued at CITY RD / Graham ST / Central ST (North Box) location on a yearly basis. Could you also provide the volume...

Please provide copies of any current staff travel guides or similar documents you hold, showing on which National Rail services TfL Staff & Nominee oyster cards are valid.

Freedom of information request: To whom it may concern. Please can I have the following information: Registration number: Make: Model: Licence to: Licence from: Of all vehicles registered...

What date were the two speed cameras on Mitcham Road installed? Do the speed cameras give off a single flash as a warning or do they double flash and that's it you have a fine? To date, how much...

1a) What is the total cost for the initial implementation of the smart ticketing system from the start of development to the official launch in June 2003? 1b) If the information is available,...

Please could you provide me with route 281R schedules for Saturday 5th May Rugby game. Please could you also provide me with the link or information of which operators use the blog to find out...

I'd like to know the cost of Accessibility provision for the refurb at Tottenham Court Road. One of your spokesmen said "We are constantly having to consider the money we spend on accessibility...

Please could you let me know which are the Step Free Schemes that have taken place over the past 3 years and which ones are planned for the future?

The number of trains (or carriages?) taken out of service due to graffiti -It would be great if it could be broken down by year and by quarter -Can you break it down by underground and overground The...