
17523 requests found

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F/on from FOI-0532 Due to the cost of extracting the data as you mentioned can you instead extract the information for 2 days instead of the previously requested 90 days. This should fall within...

I last emailed an FOI to you just over a year ago asking for the CD of all automated announcements which you sent to me. It included - London Overground stations / London Overground onboard /...

Please may you attach under the FOI Act sound files of both the door opening beeps and the door closing beeps of all stocks: • Class 172 (London Overground) • Class 315 (London Overground and...

Can you please tell me the name of the contractors who did tree surgery along the Chorleywood station area? Can you arrange for the trees that are left with no branches to be removed?

When were the tracks (rails, sleepers, and fixings) last replaced/improved on the tube lines below the Barbican estate and at and since that time: - what standards and requirements to minimise...

Please can you provide any documentation as to where training is provided to London Underground gateline staff and also drivers of bus services overseen by TfL on acceptance of London Travelcards...

I understand that Transport for London's East-West Cycle Superhighway project includes the following proposals for Hyde Park's North Carriage Drive. From "-...

The minutes of the "Transport for London Minutes of the Safety, Sustainability and Human Resources Panel" published on "Wednesday 22 November 2017" (

I recently noticed on this TfL document ( ) that bus route 240 will face a frequency reduction from every 12 minutes to every 15 minutes...

I am writing in regards to the new legal CBD oil that is available for pain, although derived from the marijuana plant it contains no impurities or thc so it gives no high. I would like to know...