
17523 requests found

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Please may you provide the Penalty Cost Per mile for routes 105 and K3.

Who were the consultants commissioned to carry out the geological studies, the subject of a report TFL produced in 2015? ( ...

How much money was charged in 2017 to Santander Cycle Scheme users who had apparently either kept a bike for more than 24 hours or not returned it at all? How much of that money was later refunded...

As i mentioned before, im a student working on my thesis on biofuels. I need information on the 1. amount % of biodiesel consumed with the regular diesel? Per year say 2015 2. What feedstock/crops...

I would like a copy of the Deloitte investigation regarding Ubers booking process Kind Regards

Please can i have the entire embodied carbon of the Elizabeth Line, including stations, tunnels and signalling equipment etc

A. Train-km (if available in car-km, then the average number of cars per train figures also needed) and Bus-km Information on total kilometres operated for buses and trains separately for the...

My request for information is based on the attached published tweet. 1. what are the names of the charities supported and how much was paid to each? 2. How many TfL staff participated in the...

Hi, please disclose: •The number of TfL hire bicycles that have gone missing year-on-year for the past four financial years. •The number of these bikes that were lost/misplaced, and the reasons...

Can you please advise when TfL decided to brand name change CR1 to Elizabeth Line Was the colour of the mode roundel and Line colour changed? If so can you please provide the original colour...