
17523 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Please provide the total value of advertising income received from Smart Water in financial year 2017/18.

Please could you release TfL's Information Asset Register? By way of example, here is the equivalent document for DEFRA:

Please provide the total value of advertising income received from Volvic Water in financial year 2017/18.

Please can I have a breakdown of the current budget for the Old Street roundabout redesign and how much will be spent on what? Please can I also have a copy of any other draft budgets for the...

Thank you for your response and advice on my request. If possible, I would like to modify my request to narrow the scope of the information requested. I would like a list of properties sold...

Have garden bridge trust submitted a request to 'drawdown' cancellation monies, if so on what date, how much for and have they received the monies yet and how much?

In your letter of 18 December 2015 regarding the London Borough of Haringey's Local Implementation Plan (LIP) 2016/17 Annual Spending Submission (

Please confirm the costs to date of the Rotherhithe Bridge project including the 'as at' date. I would expect these to include TFL's project costs, all consultancy fees etc. Please include all...

Have you modelled the impact of the 20mph plan on restricted speed of traffic flows and the impact on gridlock and increased air pollution? If the answer is no, then why not? if you have can...

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please provide me with a copy of the winning tenders for Temporary and Permanent Recruitment Services (TfL reference 93944). I understand that under...