
17523 requests found

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I would like to know why you have disabled the use of toilets on your fleet of Class 360 (Desiro) units on the TfL Rail between Paddington and Terminal 4. Many people travelling to and from...

Cycle counters have recently been placed on CS3 at Embankment and on CS6 at Blackfriars. Please can you supply me with the counts from these for each day since their installation, ideally broken...

Dear Transport for London, Please can you supply financial details of the 2018/19 Quietway allocations, per borough, as at 5th April 2018? Please break this down into individual borough schemes.

Dear Transport for London, 1. Please, can you verify if Bus Fire Suppression systems fitted to London Buses are a TfL requirement to Bus Operators? (This is an air pressured fire extinguisher...

I was wondering if would be possible to find out the positions of the tunnel boring machines and how far tunnel excavations currently reach for the Northern Line Extension works?

May I please request a copy of the TfL Rail announcements, for both on-board and on-station if they are available.

Under the Freedom Of Information Act could you please attach PDF copies of the most recent bus maps that you have. I am referring to the five maps for Greater London (i think they were "Central"...

My request is restricted to the branch of the local borough which simply deals with private hire and Hackney plated motor vehicles (hereinafter plated vehicles). I seek disclosure of documentation...

Under the freedom of information act and further to a previous partially successful request, I’m requesting copies of some documents I have been unable to find freely available online and further...

1) Please provide me a copy of your authority’s latest information asset register. 2 Please provide me a list of all cost codes used by your authority.