
17523 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

When the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) comes into effect in April 2019, please confirm how many of TfL’s polluting buses will be hit by the £100 charge per day? What percentage of TfL’s overall...

For each of the last three financial years (which includes the present financial year) a) The number of times pest controllers have been called in by TfL to treat pests on tube trains. Please...

Follow on from FOI- 2102-1819 Please would it be possible to request under the FOI Act in addition to the below the average salary across the entire band 3 layer for the whole of Surface?

1. Can you tell me where was the consultation advertised? 2. How many responses were there to the consultation? 3. What impact is this ban likely to have on the advertising revenue of TFL?...

Of the 120,000 pcn's issued to london motorists for yellow box junctions offences, how many were issued to operators of the London bus network.

F/on from: FOI-1862-1617 I would be grateful if you could provide me with an updated breakdown of how much has been spent on cycling infrasture in the financial years 2016/17 and 2017/18. I would...

I would like to make a freedom of information request relating to the annual expenditure of the "every Journey matters" advertising campaigns on radio, tv, billboards, the printed press, in fact...

Follow on from FOI-0981-1819 May I please request the maps in PDF format Also may I ask that this is all the maps back to the formation of TfL

Revised request - FOI-1149-1819: I attach a list of the hundred bridges I would like reports for. Cranford - South (Original) Camden Road Bridge Wandsworth High Street Tooley Street Bridge Belgrave...

Can you please send through the design details and costings for Leytonstone Underground station referred to by TfL staff in the reply to an on line petition for step free access