
17523 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Please send me a PDF copy of the Working Timetable for Metropolitan Line starting 30th December 2018 and a copy of the Temporary Timetable Notice for the Metropolitan Line for Christmas 2018...

Hello, Under the Freedom of Information act I want to enquire as to how often the handrails at stations within the TFL network are actually cleaned. Given the advice to 'please hold the handrails'...

Follow on from: FOI-1937-1819 Thank you for the information regarding Underground map production since 2000. I did not know the Pulse Cartographic Agency were involved. I would like more detail...

I’m requesting a list of T&D TSO Service Analyst Salaries to be provided. These should be anonymised, a simple two column table should suffice, as per below example. Job Title Salary Figure Service...

1 Please confirm that the land belonging to the developer was valued by Deloitte as being of equal monetary value to that with which it was swapped. 2 Were any other non-monetary values...

I note that MyTaxi is still claiming that they are licensed (by TfL presumably) - can I ask whether TfL has written to the advertising standards agency regarding this misleading advertising unless...

In the new TfL Business Plan dated December 2018 there is not a projected level of kilometres (in millions of kms) to be operated in each financial year from 2018/19 to 2023/24 for the Docklands...

Can you please make an foi request and send all correspondence between: Mike Brown & Dara Khosrowshahi For the last 3 months.

I'm doing a research on noise pollution in London. I would highly appreciate if you could provide me with: 1. London City Airport pathways maps 2. Noise exposure contours 3. Maps with noise...

Please provide me with a age profile/breakdown of the current 23,395 licensed taxi driver number