
17523 requests found

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With regard to the following Traffic Order, I wish to obtain a copy of the plan showing the streets affected by the restrictions: The A3220 GLA Road and GLA Side Roads (Earl's Court Road, Royal...

Could you please supply me with an updated database of tube Inter station running times and distances? The previous versions were supplied as answers to earlier FOI requests in 2008 and 2011...

Hello, this is , a reporter from the Evening Standard. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from TfL. I want to find out how...

Please provide an exhaustive list of all the vehicle registration marks on your Equality Act 2010 section 167 list,

Please confirm the total costs spend, on the now cancelled, Oxford Street project detailed on the Healthy Streets Programme. The cost should include all accruals and legal costs. Thanks

Following a meeting with TfL, it is believe the vertical lift bridge at 12m above MSHW would need to open 4-5 times per day. This is materially less than the numbers indicated in the Nov 2017...

is it possible for someone to let me know when the last time that the mayor Sadiq khan had a meeting wiv Steve macnamara of the LTDA....and when they’re next meeting is please

Follow-on from FOI-2915-1819: I require to see a copy of the continuation map I have requested as these plans have a direct impact on my property and I need to understand them and the map you...

We request information related to the charging rates proposed to be applied to Isle of Dogs under the Mayoral Community Infrastructure Levy 2 ("MCIL2") held by Transport for London ("TfL") pursuant...

I would be most grateful if you could provide me with a one-week data sample of Smart Oyster Card Data. In your website, there is a similar dataset from the year 2009. I am requesting an updated...