
17523 requests found

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For the most recent 12 months period for which data is available please provide: a) The start and end date of this 12 months period; b) Within this date range the number of instances when a...

Data on accessibility within the Transport for London transit system. Please provide data on lift failures within London underground stations. IMPORTANT CONTEXT: I have searched through previous...

Hello, Please let me know what proportion of time, in the last year (from 9 August 2018 to date), the camera on south Lambeth road which also covers Tradescant road (by south Lambeth food and...

Dear Transport for London, Could you please provide a tabular summary of the number of "Person Under a Train" incidents from 20th March 2009 until now which have occurred on London Underground?...

Could you please tell me how many of your drivers or other safety critical staff have a hearing impairment and are permitted to use a hearing aid to perform their duties? I am specifically interested...

Under the freedom of information act can you please inform what percentage in commission TFL are charged for credit card transactions for passengers travelling on buses underground and overground...

Hi I have an FOI request about the new dockless bikes scheme operating in London. I saw my first dockless bikes in London just a few weeks ago. Now they are popping up everywhere, lying flat...

Dear TFL, I would like to request information on all data-sharing partnerships of TFL. This includes list of any companies that may use TFL data as well as any arrangements other than specific...

Can you kindly disclose how many Piaggio MP3 motor tricycles have been granted a 100% discount from the Congestion Charge.

Please provide copy of the Programmes and Investment Committee of the Transport For London (TfL) Board Report of their meeting of 21st June 2019 in which decision was made to pause development...