
17523 requests found

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I have noticed that the departure boards at stations have more departure information than the Unified API. This is usually seen at terminating or stations close to stations, eg. Oakwood. Please...

Please forward the following informationregardinf the Rotherhithe Tunnel Approache/ Branch Road Penalty Charge Cameras 1)The total numbers of Cameras 2) The the total number of PCNs Issued 3)...

Hi, I've received a tip-off that an independent shop in London area was wrongly accused by its bank of money laundering due to high volumes of Oyster card transactions being processed through...

To Whom It May Concern, I would like to raise a FOI request for the below query. Can you please release the number of PCO vehicles registered sorted by manufacturer and number of vehicles for...

Additional question to FOI-2379 I just wanted to add - what organisations have access to the database of tfl penalty fare notices and how long will they retain the personal information of...

I am writing further to intended litigation against an undertaker of works in respect of a breach of the New Road & Street Works Act 1991/a claim in negligence, for information on which Utility...

A) How long are names, addresses and DOBs retained on a penalty fare notice database? B) how do you ensure that these entries are removed after this period? C)Once names are removed from this...

Dear Sir/Madam, I’m writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please could you provide: - Details of any contracts the department has held with the private...

A copy of the bicycle past and present maintenance report.”

Follow on from FOI- 1972-1920 Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, you have not answered the questions that I posed, and as a result, this does not help my legal case to fight your approach...